Hotel Amenities Ideal for a Long Stay
When you stay in a hotel, it is usually just for a few days. You might not even use all of the amenities or really care what amenities are offered during this time. But if you are staying at the hotel for a longer period, such as a few weeks or even a month, amenities become much more important. Here are some amenities that will make a long hotel stay more pleasant.
Free Breakfast
The cost of eating out can really add up when you're staying at a hotel. If you find a hotel with free breakfast, that's one meal a day you don't have to buy. And, if you eat a big breakfast at the hotel every morning, you may find that you really only need a snack for lunch. Ideally, you should look for a hotel with a hot breakfast, as eating pre-packaged cereal, muffins, and similar cold items can get old after a couple of days.
A Microwave and Fridge
Some hotels go above and beyond, including a small stove or toaster oven in the room. But even if you just find a room with a microwave and mini-fridge, that's better than nothing. You can at least store your restaurant leftovers in the fridge and heat them up in the microwave, and you can buy frozen entrees to store and heat, too.
A Gym
When you're only staying at a hotel for a few days, you can treat that time like a vacation and skip workouts. But when you're planning to stay longer, you'll probably want to stay on track at the gym. If the hotel has a gym on-site, that will save you from having to pay for a guest pass at a local gym, and it will also save you from having to waste time traveling to and from the gym.
Laundry Facilities
Chances are, if you packed enough clean clothes for your entire long stay, you'd be packing your whole wardrobe. Packing with plans to do laundry is often a lot easier. And if your hotel has a laundromat on-site, you can do your wash without having to load it up and take it somewhere else. Check beforehand whether the hotel also provides laundry detergent so you know whether or not to bring your own.
Staying in a hotel for a few weeks or more will be a pleasant experience with the right amenities. Look for the features above, and remember to have a good time.